A grand celebration by Sicep to mark its 75th anniversary. An event that brought together all employees, both office staff and workers, close collaborators, and former employees who have maintained a relationship of affection, respect, and gratitude toward Sicep over the years. A small community of approximately 140 people who have grown and developed within the company.
“Our history is a constant journey toward excellence, built on total and passionate commitment. We have chosen to focus on substance rather than appearances, working side by side with our clients. This approach, centered on trust and client satisfaction, has allowed us to build a solid and lasting reputation. At the heart of it all, we have always placed people: our collaborators and our clients. By communicating our goals and company values with transparency, we have created a stimulating and collaborative work environment where every individual feels like an integral part of the project” (C. Civello).
Sicep employees tell a story of success built on solid foundations such as reliability, professional growth, and a strong sense of belonging.
Sicep looks to the future with optimism and enthusiasm, thanks to the commitment and passion of every collaborator, aiming to celebrate another significant milestone in 25 years.